Paper Discounts And Vouchers A Thing Of The Past

Date Posted:30 September 2013 

We all love a good discount or a free gift. Whether it’s dockets or receipts, many of us take the time to cut out these little gems and store them away for when we need them. The trouble is, they often get left in the drawer and only remembered once they’ve expired.

But things are slowly changing. Many coupons or discounts can now be used by simply showing the email you were sent from the retail outlet or food chain store from your phone screen. There’s no longer a need to be printing things out all the time.

Some larger retailers are taking a while to embrace the paperless ideal. Starbucks is one good example. In the UK, they give you a free drink for every ten purchases. Rather than sending this to you via an app or even simply sending you an email you can show over the counter using your phone, they send you a postcard to take in store.

Still, many experts believe this will all be a thing of the past, and so the necessity of having a smartphone simply grows stronger.