Get Techy! Hot Innovations
Date Posted:17 November 2011
We are across all the latest developments in technology and yes…..we are a bit techy. We’ve seen some great things this week that we thought we’d share with you.
Have you seen anything cool and techy lately?
1. End of SMS? This week we discovered a cool little app on the Blackberry, Android, Nokia and iPhone called WhatsApp Messenger. This $0.99 app allows users to send messages to other users for free. You can send text, video and images as well as voice notes. There are also no international charges – a great way to stay in touch with your global network of friends, family and colleagues.
2. iPhone the Camera of the Decade? World renowned photographer Annie Leibowitz has been quoted in a recent interview on MSNBC as saying the iPhone camera is the snapshot camera of today. That is a great testimonial for Apple, from someone who has taken photos of John Lennon!
3.What to Drink with Your Tunes: listening to music and don’t know what to drink? Now there is a website where you type in the album or artist that you’re listening to and it matches the song to a drink. Drinkify suggests that if you’re listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers you should drink a Bud Light and if you’re listening to Mozart you should drink a whole bottle of red wine!
4. Near Field Communication: with Near Field Communication on the horizon in Australia we will have access to cashless wallets and other innovative uses. Currently few smart phones have this capacity, but they are on their way. Just swipe your phone and payment is made.
5. Competition Corner
– Google launches Music store for web and new music app. First they take on Facebook – now iTunes…..interesting! Also not available for Aussies just yet!
– Rumours out that Microsoft are launching a social network called Socl. Who in their right mind would launch another social network?
Hay Feaver Hat